![]() 11/04/2018 at 09:55 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Not Daylight Saving s Time.
And it’s a pain in the ass and I hate it.
![]() 11/04/2018 at 10:02 |
Another year...
![]() 11/04/2018 at 10:03 |
eh... it meant an hour more holiday for me... im ok with it... but they need to stop putting the clock an hour forward in the weekend for summertime...
do that shit at say... noon on a monday so i get to work an hour less
![]() 11/04/2018 at 10:04 |
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I like DST. I’m happy to have the extra sunlight on summer evenings.
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And it’s a pain in the ass and I hate it.
I couldn’t agree more. It’s so stupid.
![]() 11/04/2018 at 10:17 |
Daylight Saving Time. Time that saves daylight.
EDIT: So if you hate DST, you’re probably glad we’re back on standard time?
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It’s like an income tax refund where they give you back your own money without interest.
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Good. Let’s barbecue at your place.
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What’s this “Daylight Saving Time” everyone is talking about?
-Arizona (except for the Navajo Reservation)
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Should I put any sunlight into my Daylight Savings Account?
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Now I’m hungry.
![]() 11/04/2018 at 10:22 |
Daylight Saving Time. Time that saves daylight.
Often, the term is hyphenated: Daylight-saving Time, showing the descriptive,
nature of the term. (
passed the web browser’s spell check test, so I guess it
a word, even though I just made it up for myself
What I hate is changing the clock twice a year. I want them to choose a time, either Daylight or Standard, and leave it there.
![]() 11/04/2018 at 10:25 |
Good morning. I am happy to hear from you. I feared I had affronted you the other day.
DST needs to be abolished if for no other reason than my own personal comfort and convenience.
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Well played, Sir!
![]() 11/04/2018 at 10:31 |
I need to open a debate in this space about grills. I was looking at some at Lowe’s the other day and comparing Weber grills to other off-brands. Quality and appearance wise, the Webers look to be in a class by themselves.
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If you pull it out in about 6 months you’ll have built interest on it
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The only thing good about DST is the extra hour of sleep you get
Everything else is bad.
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It’s like a tax refund where they give you back your own money without interest.
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But words on ly have meaning because we assign that meaning as a society. So if most of us start saying daylight savings time, that means it’s now called daylight savings time.
![]() 11/04/2018 at 10:55 |
I would challenge your thinking on that point. The object in question was named at its inception and that name is also descriptive , or adjectival. Your argument is akin to answering the phone and saying, “This is her,” and arguing that now, somehow, because lots of peo ple have taken to saying it, that’s how we now say it and it’s cool. I would disagree.
![]() 11/04/2018 at 10:59 |
I thought to myself last night, hooray, an extra hour of sleep.
Of course I still stayed up late like an idiot and got about 4 h ours.
![]() 11/04/2018 at 11:05 |
Yes, that is exactly my argument. We're not slaves to language, it's the other way around. It only is what it is because we decide that. So if we collectively decide "this is her" is how we answer the phone, that becomes normal.
![]() 11/04/2018 at 11:07 |
You think you hate it?
You should try being a computer programmer/administrator who has to deal with the fact that the politicians screw with it every year.
Morocco canceled their end of DST this year, just two days before the clock change. I can only imagine the pain that the travel industry felt. Who needs coherent airline schedules, after all?
![]() 11/04/2018 at 11:07 |
I grew up in Indiana and never knew about DST. Then we moved to DC and I was like “W hat is this madness? W hy the hell are we changing our clocks for no good reason?”.
That was 30 years ago.
I still live in DC.
And I still say “What is this madness? W
hy the hell are we changing our clocks for no good reason?”
![]() 11/04/2018 at 11:10 |
I would argue that normal does not equal correct .
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What about daylight saving's time?? The time of Daylight Saving.
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I would argue in language, normal most certainly does equal correct. There are numerous words in the English language that don’t mean exactly what they used to, and are even farther from whatever Latin, G reek, etc that they came from. We accept them unquestioningly now, but it wasn’t long ago that prescriptivist English teachers were likely whining about the improper use of the word “cool” to their baby boomer students.
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Yes to all of that.
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Yes to all of that.
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And who knew that Mr. Saving owned any time?
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Then color me prescriptive , I guess, but I’ll be the first to admit to it.
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Let’s get rid of it and never have to worry about its proper spelling again.
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Could we end this? I want to be on standard time forever. Then we could phase out time zones and live by the position of the sun in the sky. We have the technology, there’s no reason for zones anymore.
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That is one of my biggest arguments against it. It’s a convenient political football that affects everyone and wreaks havoc with computers. Please end this madness.
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I am glad to be back. Now to crush it once and for all.
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I don’t believe you.
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Time zones I can live with. DST should go.
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But that doesn’t make me correct because this is not politics.
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We get precise time data (in UTC) from satellites constantly everywhere on the planet . We could calculate the exact solar time for any particular point pretty easily, so time zones are a legacy system.
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Perhaps, but how do you get 500 people who live between zero and 50 miles from a certain factory to all punch in on time and what does “on time” mean? Once we all have sockets behind our ears and we’re all physically plugged into the cloud, then I’m sure what you envision will become the plan. Surgically embedded WiFi and folks’ pace makers will be IOT devices.
is 35 years old.
![]() 11/04/2018 at 17:09 |
It’s the same. You already drive for X minutes between places. Los Angeles is the widest city I know of in the US and the time difference between extreme ends are only something like 8 minutes apart . So you would likely be no more than 4 minutes offset from where you work. Each degree of longitude is only 4 minutes. People would become accustomed to it pretty quickly.
![]() 11/04/2018 at 18:18 |
No, they would not. They would become accustomed to Google and Apple telling them that they had to be at work in 7 minutes. As is the case now, where people cannot read a map, they would also become unable to tell time, and Google’s ownership of the masses would become that much more complete; hence my reference to William Gibson. Do you know that novel?
None of this would I want you to take as an explicit disagreement or a challenge to your thinking. I’m just going to be the one of the last human with an analog clock hanging on his wall if I am allowed to live long enough to see this come to pass, which it surely will.
![]() 11/05/2018 at 09:50 |
I love Daylight Savings Time. I hate “normal” time. I’d much rather have my sun in the evenings.
And yes - I did that just to mess with you. =)
![]() 11/05/2018 at 09:51 |
I want to be on DST forever, but if we drop the concept of time altogether, I’d be good with that, too.
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Unfortunately, the history of the English language doesn’t agree.
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Arizona so crazy... just imagine if you had to live your life travelling back and forth on this red line every day/week.
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Saves it or steals it, depending on your preference.
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Will be fully mature in 9 months.
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I’d prefer it all year long.
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Pick whichever setting you like, and let’s keep it year round.
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Meh. If that makes me a pedant, then so be it.
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“ Meh” ?! I think you just disproved your point. =)
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If I were using Meh to refer to, say, Mebs , then yes. DST is a thing with an adjectival name. My daughter worked for a bank and people came in wanting to open savings and checkings accounts.
![]() 11/05/2018 at 12:52 |
Daylight Saving Time is the term, but you can’t argue that “daylight savings time” doesn’t roll off the tongue a little better, even though it’s wrong. I was just making a joke about the larger point of the English language always changing, whether we “olds” like it or not.
![]() 11/05/2018 at 15:15 |
On the plus side, that area of Arizona is so beautiful and remote that it really doesn’t matter what time it is.
My wife actually lived on the Navajo Reservation when sh e was younger. My MIL had to drive to Gallup, NM, to give birth because the local hospital didn’t feel comfortable delivering the baby. That was in ‘85. Not a lot has changed since.
![]() 11/05/2018 at 15:25 |
I love the opportunities and freedoms we’re afforded in this country, but the stains left by the sins of our past are dark and deep.
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Here’s a nice uplifting story about families holding onto their culture.
![]() 11/05/2018 at 15:53 |
Thanks. I may have told you this, but w hen my wife and I were in Sedona a while back, I stayed up late by myself one particularly beautiful night, sitting out on the deck with a beer , listening to the wind under the full moon. As the noise from town died down, I was able to hear the drums and calls of a powwow far in the distance. I must’ve listened in for an hour, barely suppressing my desire to join in their yells.
I really need to get my kids out to a local powwow sometime .
![]() 11/07/2018 at 16:28 |
Correction 7:21am EST — This post previously referred to Daylight Saving Time as Daylight Savings Time. We regret the error.
![]() 11/07/2018 at 16:45 |
Thank you for passing this along. I’ve personally heard a lot of reporting about DST and all of it says that the benefits of DST are inconclusive. And if you read the voter pamphlet with the pro and con and rebuttals to each, you only get a few local politicians airing their personal opinions for or against it. No solid data or evidence.
For my part, I don’t care where the clock is set so long as it stays there.
![]() 11/07/2018 at 16:56 |
The change in the fall is not nearly as hard to take as the change in the spring, as much as I like to have the extra light in the evening.
![]() 11/07/2018 at 17:04 |
One more: https://gizmodo.com/for-the-love-of-dogs-make-daylight-savings-time-perman-1830285926
![]() 11/07/2018 at 19:07 |
Then let’s keep that one. I really don’t care at all so long as I can quit changing my clock.
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I don’t think dogs are